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发布时间:2020-05-11 15:30:48

1、给一个LOL英文名,好看的 大神感

Deciduous丶 dancing



I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath /我曾经是那种 莫不出声 做事胆怯的人
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess /就怕破釜沉舟 搞砸一切
So I sat quietly, agreed politely /所以我就在一旁静观学习 点头称是
I guess that I forgot I had a choice /我想 我大概是忘了 我还有余地
I let you push me past the breaking point /是我让你 把我逼到崩溃点
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything /我不再追求什么 于是万物皆我爱
You held me down, but I got up /你曾使我丧气,但如今我昂头站起
Already brushing off the dust /早从挫败中 掸尘前进
You hear my voice, your hear that sound /你听着我的声音 你给我听好了
Like thunder, gonna shake your ground
ground /就有如那雷鸣 我要震爆你
You held me down, but I got up /你给我的打击 如今使我抬头挺立
Get ready cause I've had enough /准备好了 看着! 因为我受不了了
I see it all, I see it now /我都看清了 看清你了
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire /我有着猛虎之眼 一名战士 在纵燃大火里跳舞
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR /因为我是万兽之王 听我咆哮吧
Louder, louder than a lion /响亮 比狮吼还欲聋
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR/因为我是万兽之王 听我咆哮
Oh oh oh oh oh oh /吼 吼 吼 吼 吼 吼
You're gonna hear me roar /你会听到我的 怒吼
Now I'm floating like a butterfly /现在我感觉 像蝴蝶般轻盈
Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes /不痛有如蜜蜂晰 刺上凶猛彪虎纹
I went from zero, to my own hero /我从无到有 做自己的英雄
You held me down, but I got up /你曾使我丧气,但如今我昂头站起
Already brushing off the dust /早从挫败中 掸尘前进
You hear my voice, your hear that sound /你听着我的声音 你给我听好了
Like thunder, gonna shake your ground /就有如那雷鸣 我要震爆你
You held me down, but I got up /你给我的打击 如今使我抬头挺立
Get ready cause I've had enough /准备好了 看着! 因为我受不了了
I see it all, I see it now /我都看清了 看清你了
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire /我有着猛虎之眼 一名战士 在纵燃大火里跳舞
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR /因为我是万兽之王 听我咆哮吧
Louder, louder than a lion /响亮 比狮吼还欲聋
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR/因为我是万兽之王 听我咆哮
Oh oh oh oh oh oh /吼 吼 吼 吼 吼 吼
You're gonna hear me roar /你会听到我的 怒吼
Roar-or, roar-or, roar-or
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire /我有着猛虎之眼 一名战士 在纵燃大火里跳舞
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR /因为我是万兽之王 听我咆哮吧
Louder, louder than a lion /响亮 比狮吼还欲聋
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR/因为我是万兽之王 听我咆哮
Oh oh oh oh oh oh /吼 吼 吼 吼 吼 吼
You're gonna hear me roar /你会听到我的 怒吼



游戏悍将I5 4570/GTX760四核独显台式组装电脑主机
产品类别:DIY组装电脑 品牌:游戏悍将

CPU: Intel 酷睿i5 4570(盒)¥1225
主板: 华擎B85M Pro4¥669
内存: 金士顿4GB DDR3 1600 骇客神条¥210
硬盘: 希捷Barracuda 500GB 7200转 16MB SAT¥300
显卡: 影驰GTX760黑将¥1599
机箱: 游戏悍将特工5豪华黑装¥199
电源: 游戏悍将红警RPO400¥189
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你可以去中关村在线 那里边有组装好的 也便宜 京东也有

4、lol职业联赛今天谁打谁。 有没有rng的比赛

没有RNG ,今天的比赛是EDG打snake,gt打SAT,NB打IG,29日RNG打VG


CPU 型号:AMD 闪龙 X2 180
内存容量zhidao:2GB DDR3
硬盘容量:500GB 7200转,SAT
显卡芯片:ATI Radeon HD 5450




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机箱 金河田升华零辐射版 1 ¥109
电源 游戏悍将红警RPO450W 1 ¥219


LOL这游戏不开特效i3平台就能解决如果考虑到特效全开团战流畅的话就需要i5了下面给你个配置单 既能玩LOL还能玩其他游戏除了大型单机 CPU i5 8400,主板 华硕技嘉b350任意型号选,内存 四代的8G够用 但建议上16G以后你不后悔 品牌金士顿威刚海盗船芝奇光美任意选大牌子就行,硬盘最好固态 容量看预算选择当然越大越好 浦科特 三星 英特尔 东芝都比较不错的,显卡 1060 6G版的比较好 一次性到位要不然以后追悔莫及至于牌子华硕 技嘉 索泰 随便算都是国际大牌子电源建议用额定500w的 像长城 航嘉都行 机箱如果是长时间运行的话水冷更好很稳 相反风冷更具性价比 显示器怎么也要27寸的2k的吧这才对得起这配置鼠标雷蛇罗技任选 键盘低端点的就可以雷柏达尔优都行 音响漫步者 三诺 先科,电脑桌和电竞椅随便选这里还不包括耳麦呢整套下来8500以内可以搞定 自己天猫京东查一查当然这一套能玩到你天荒地老机器不坏 希望采纳 纯属个人经验


《英雄联盟》的制作主管Travis George指出,前者无疑是该公司力图长期保持的优势,而后者会损害游戏声誉,限制其发展。英雄联盟(from lisisoft)他指出:“没人想和低素质玩家一同体验游戏。”虽然George知道“一定程度内的”粗俗言语是可取的,“因为任何竞技事件、比赛或游戏中均存在这种情况”,但他也清晰地认识到是时候规范玩家行为。他表示:“通常会有个度,有些玩家会故意冒犯他人,对他人指指点点,甚至出口诋毁。我想我们应着重改善这些方面。”但我们该怎么做?George表示:“其实,我们已经基于此建造了一个解决团队。我们美其名为PB&J团队,即玩家行为与公正协调团队(Player Behavior and Justice Team)。团队由大量人才组成,其中包括两名博士,一位是认知神经系统科学家,另一个是行为心理学家。”该公司采用高层次专业知识人才与其社区管理人才,共同找出传递更加优良的玩家体验模式的方法。George表示:“事实上,我们已经发展了某些特定方面,我们设定的指标可以测量玩家在游戏中遭遇消极体验的比重,以及这种消极体验的恶劣程度。之后,我们必须制定规则,或以特殊方式在游戏社区通告并解决这些问题。”“这将会成为我们的关注重点。”他表示:“我们之所以这样做,是因为我们认为自己的社区成员十分优秀。有时,单单一个玩家便可摧毁整款游戏,或给其他玩家带来不愉快感受。”该公司为此设置了惩罚冒犯行为的“Tribunal”法庭。但George与PB&J团队认为,这只能解决一半问题。George指出:“这不仅仅是设立Tribunal与移除问题玩家这么简单。”PB&J团队还需“激励积极行为,思考人们为何对游戏感到失望。借此,努力修复并解决这些根本性问题。”George表示,当团队开始调查那些问题玩家行为时,我们的初衷是,“希望玩家不要变成傻子。我们已亲身经历过这些方面。之后我们会总结道:‘我们对这些行为的负面影响又更加了解多少,它会产生哪些负面影响,我们是否更加理解问题的矛头?’”他指出:“此时,博士研究员可以帮助我们创建这些模型,而后我们可以利用它们跟踪并分析所谓的‘玩家行为’。”“大部分问题基本上可以通过出色的研究调查与科学技术予以解决。其中关键是你想投入多少时间,而这也是玩家关心的重点。”该团队之所以努力解决这方面问题,是因为先前全球调查指出,《英雄联盟》中玩家的冒犯行为已成为“世界性问题”。George指出:“我们看到大家都在探讨这个问题。因此,我们应首先解决它。“We actually have built a team around this, to address it,” George says. “We call it, lovingly, the PB&J Team, which stands for Player Behavior and Justice Team. And there’s a lot of really talented folks on that team, including two PhDs. One’s a cognitive neuroscientist and one’s a behavioral psychologist.”The company is using a mixture of high-level expertise (the academics with the fancy degrees) and its community expertise to figure out how to deliver a better player experience.“We’ve actually developed specific trends, and our own set of metrics that we look at for measuring what percentage of times we think that players will encounter a negative experience in a game, and how severe that negative experience is,” says George. “And then we have to build things or be responsive or message the community in a particular way to address those things.”“This is going to be a major focus for us,” says George.“One of the things that makes us want to do it most is we think we actually have a really great community,” he says. “And sometimes it only takes one person to ruin a game or create a really negative experience for a lot of other people.”The company’s “Tribunal”, in which offending players get penalized, has gotten a lot of ink, including on Gamasutra. But George and the PB&J team think that’s just one half of the answer.“It’s not only Tribunal and removing players,” says George. The PB&J Team’s goal is also “incentivizing positive behavior, and thinking about why people are upset in those games. So, trying to fix those and address those root problems.”When the team started researching problematic player behavior, says George, it came from a sentiment at Riot of “we don’t like players being jerks in games,” says George. “We’ve experienced it all ourselves. But then, we actually sat down and said, ‘How do we actually more tangibly understand how bad the impact is, or what the impact is, or understand the problem more?’“And that’s where you’ve got guys who are PhD researchers who can help develop those models, and we have, actually, those models for how we track and trend what we call ‘player behavior,’” George says.“You can apply really good research and science techniques to almost anything,” he says. “The trick is just finding what you want to actually spend the time on, and that’s where the sentiment for players comes in as a huge guiding factor to that.”The team decided to put real effort into it when global player sentiment surveys unveiled that player behavior was a “worldwide problem” for League of Legends. “We see it talked about everywhere. And so, those are the type of things that we generally gravitate towards,” George says.“We think it’s a great addition to the team, and that team is actually cross-discipline, so it’s got the PhD guys, game designers, engineers, production support all working together from a variety of perspectives. You’d be surprised how much the game design intermingles with the PhD research.”(source:gamasutra)
