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發布時間:2020-04-25 09:54:03

1、iphone游戲adventure bar story攻略

等你把雪山上的大BOSS秒了之後,動畫顯示會有一個神秘角色出現回在某個地圖,找他後會給你一把鏟子,這時才能把攔路的石頭鏟掉(其中有個石頭後的路答有兩只很強的老鼠王,小心不要被虐了= =)。至於上鎖的門我就不是很記得是什麼了...




玩的是 無鈾傳奇


Welcome House 2
Keaton and his Uncle
by Mike Coates
[email protected]

Episode 2: Independence Day

Cast of Characters:
Uncle Parkinson
Keaton Paxman
Napolean: the dog
Allegro Adagio: music teacher
Escargo Aperitif: the chef
Jack Smith: handy man

Start: brings up map, pressing twice brings up save menu.
Save Game: once in save game menu ( pressing start twice) move
directional up or down to select file press start to confirm. If you
already have a game saved in that file it will ask you if you want to
overwrite. When finished press X to get back to game.
L1,L2,R1,R2,TRIANGLE: are not used.
X: Cancels selection.
Open doors: push forward when in front of door.
Run: hold down "square" then in the direction you want to go.
O: inventory select menu press again to select chosen item, press X to
cancel and exit to game
Tip of the day: follow the underlined words it is a verbal map.

Now let's Play.

Iam not going to tell you about all the surprises I want you to find
them yourself, I am going to tell you which is the best way to go, but
feel free to explore on your own and when you get stuck check back
here. You start the game in Keaton's room a little groggy, or maybe
his eyes allways look like that. In this room as well as others in the
mansion you will see a radio, go to it if you would like to change the
BGM or turn it or any other sounds of the game off. Take the present
your Uncle has left for you, answer the phone/ I believe no Im
guessing but I think your Uncle invites you to come out because he is
throwing the biggest 4Th of July bash or should I say "BANG". Now
leave the room there are no more items in here. Go down the hall and
through the door into the Foyer across the room to the first door.
Sitting Room follow the white line to the radio in the center of the
room use it, go to the dresser and inspect it, answer the phone. Once
again its your uncle he tels you to meet him in the Downstairs
Hallway. He has something for you.
( Im making this up of course) Now leave and go to the center of the
Foyer and stand on the red circle and read the sign. Go to the
Downstairs Bathroom now throw open that curtain and let's see what's
behind curtain #2 Monty. Now your locked in, while you figure out how
to get out take a load off by having a seat on the toilet (walk Keaton
backwards to sit down). The Vegas Room Let's play the slots, the
trick here is to play the machines in a certain order to win, try
playing the machime on the left a couple of times then the one in the
center. Go through the hole on the wall. Bowling Alley play a few
games try both lanes. Theatre Room grab some popcorn its show time,
sit in each row then inspect the door without the lit exit sign, go
through it. Bowling Alley play another game go through the one with
the arrow on it. Pull the lever and back up until you are on the red
danger circle. Inspect your uncles car. OOPS! stand on the danger
circle and pull the lever, go over to the table inspect it to find the
key. Step back on to the red circle pull lever to go back to the other
side. Now go through the door which leads you to the downstairs
hallway, go back to the Foyer and go to the door in the back corner
use the key on it. Dining Room. Once in the room go through the other
door into the Kitchen now go through the next door to the Bar. Look
behind the counter and find money and a bottle of Saki. Answer the
phone, its your uncle again I think he tells you to watch out for
Napolean because he has been drinking all the Saki. Go through the
door with the Welcome House 2 poster next to it. Pool talk to Jack
Smith, I have no idea what he is trying to tell you. Retrace you steps
till you get back to the Dining Room and inspect the fire place, pull
the lever to lower the staircase. Bowling Alley bowl with the red ball
go through the door with arrow next to it climb on top of the car and
press the button. You just turned off the escalator function of the
stairs. Go in to the Theatre Room use the exit with the lit sign
Record Shop give captain hook your dollar. Go back to the other exit
door (unlit exit sign) Vegas Room go through the hole to the Bowling
Alley use stairs in corner Dining Room go through Kitchen to the Bar
play the record on the juke box. Happy Days are here again. Inspect
door next to juke box to unlock it now you can open it. Foyer go
upstairs you are in Upstairs Hallway #1 go through door to left
Upstairs Hallway #2 follow hallway to first door you come to and
enter. Jack's Room take a load off by sitting on his bed, climb up
ladder take statue of liberty statue. Answer phone, examine glass
doors to open them. Go to hallway back the way you came, go through
the blue door. TV Room answer phone, turn on tv. Go downstairs to
Kitchen , talk to chef Escargo go to Dining Room answer phone, leave
room through white door to Foyer here's mud in your eye. Go back to
Kitchen once again talk to chef Escargo he will give you a platter and
instruct you to put it on the table in the Dining Room but not to look
at it. go back to Kitchen talk to Escargo then go to Dining Room and
look at the platter. Leave dining room go Upstairs there's that weasel
Napolean head him off at the pass. Go into the room down the hall
Closet Room look in one of the closets there's Napolean again head him
off at the pass. Not this time leave and go to the TV Room have a seat
in the chair against the wall to ponder how to catch that darn dog.
Go back to the Closet Room take a peak inside any of the closets. Go
back through the blue door, Upstairs Hallway #2 go to the closet
against the wall and open it. Take the axe go back through blue door
to Upstairs Hallway #1 walk around to the white door and open it
Outside Staircase Hey the new diving board is in let's go try it out.
Pool walk on diving board to the edge and give the axe to the Water
Princess, talk to her she will offer you three different axes take the
yellow axe from her. Go back to the Outside Staircase climb up and use
the yellow axe on the stone face statue on the wall to break his
chains. Inspect the face to open the wall. Go through opening in wall.
Library take a book from each of the bookcases against the walls, the
room will move and the door will unlock. Go through the door and
follow the hallway around to the stairs climb them. Upstairs Hallway
#3 follow the danger signs to the first room go inside. Music Room
play the piano, talk to Alegro she lectures you on the finer points of
music. Go back to Upstairs Hallway #3 go in to the room at the end of
the hall. Crate Room open the chest take the bomb, press the switch on
the wall to open the french doors, go downstairs where the giant ball
squished you and go in to the room there, Allegro's Room put the green
book in the bookcase, answer the phone twice, place the bomb on table
against the wall with the bandages on the wallpaper. Go through the
hole you created. Chef Escargo's Room put the right colored book in
the bookcase, inspect the door to unlock it. Upstairs Hallway #2 go to
Jack's Room there's that dog again, leave and go to the Bathroom #2
one door over. Leave the bathroom go down the hall follow those
footprints to the TV Room have a seat and watch some tv. Follow
Napolean in to the next room and try to catch him. Go to the Kitchen
talk to chef Escargo he will give you a heart to give to Allegro, go
upstairs to the white door, ( cool short cut huh ) Go to Ms Allegro's
Room she will lecture you about the hole you made in her wall, give
her the heart. She will then begin to tell you her life story giving
you more information about her personal affairs than you care to hear
about. She gives you an apple, go to the Kitchen via the hole in the
wall. Talk to chef Escargo give him the apple, take the scale off of
the counter, follow the chef through the opening in the wall. Boiler
Room take the bottle of Saki from him go to the Dining Room place the
bottle on the dining table. Leave and go to the Sitting Room and put a
book in to the bookcase, go to Keaton's Room put the last book in to
the bookcase there and go back to the Dining Room check out Napolean
take the key from him. Go back through the white door upstairs go to
the Crate Room look for the crate that is a different color than the
rest and push it. Go to the Music Room look in the trash can take the
heart. Go through the french doors walk along the ledge to the Crate
Room climb the crates in to the Independence Room go to each of the
floormats and set an item on the table when the correct order is done
the door will unlock. go through this door in to Uncle Parkinsons nap
room push the button on the wall ot open the elevator doors push the
button again. Go to the first door and use the key to unlock it then
go inside.

Game Over
Thank You for Playing


3.然後出來在屋牆角右邊有張錢揀了,再上車去MIKIES BAR那裡,,在黑色塑料袋旁有錢撿起來,進屋與老頭女孩對話接任務。
出來上車去SIUM BUILOING,下車點那攝像頭,上樓進最裡面屋窗口殺死最上面的人,完成任務
4.再回MIKIES BAR的屋子,進裡面屋子,地上有東西揀,在(點游戲右邊進去)有個女郎,與對話之後點Forget that殺死所有喝酒的人,
出來上車回到MIKIES BAR里,進靠左的屋子,桌上有錢拿了,在點窗口殺死所有向你開槍的人(6個)
5.出來到OARWENS HOME進屋對話,地上有東西揀,出來點摩托車方向,在點那個倉庫有把狙擊槍拿。
上車去SLUM BUILOING,進屋上2樓和掃地對話,上3樓進屋到窗口,飛機右邊的(不斷重復的賺錢任務)可點contiue結束。
出來上車到VOKS BAR,與門口人對話,完成任務
出來到外面,上車回到SLUM BUILOING,上2樓在老頭右邊那門進去點窗口,殺死玻璃里的2個人,完成任務
7.出來上車來到GREY MAFIA HO,點門接任務,再上車來到OLO FACTORY,進去點上到頂樓。
8.回到Grey MAFIA HO,進去殺光所有人(往哪殺自己摸都會),出來,完成任務
9.上車BLVE STEER BOAT,上船進裡面那個門,管道下有東西揀了。
出來上到DASIS PLAZA,大門不給進,進後門(人物往左點到後門)殺死2個,進去再殺,




注意 : 要做到曬佢俾你既任務之餘...仲要你既狀況 (Health..Culture..Family..Work..Harmony)達到佢既要求...先至可以過關

任務 : 星期五18:00前要另Carmie嫁俾Ernie
特發任務 : 你要買條珠鋉 (費用1000$)...星期五 18:00前
1. 星期三...一起身當然要食個早餐化個靚妝去返工啦(工作地點 : Nunzio Construction)
2. 搵夠1000$既時候...就去shopping mall買條珠鋉...返屋企按下面既cafe...去你屋企開既cafe度搵Ernie...同佢傾偈時佢個頭隔離會有條珠鋉...按一下俾Erine...等佢送俾Carmie...咁婚禮就可以進行喇
3. 繼續搵錢同埋增加自己既 Harmony
4. 到星期六17:30-18:00出發去 Da Teresa Restaurant

任務 : 買對 in-line skates (費用 450$)
增加你既 health
星期六16:00 Elio會去你屋企搵你出去玩
特發任務 : 工司有事要去 City Hall 度先搞...星期五18:00前要搞掂(費用300$)
要去Shopping Mall度買部冷氣機 (費用 500$)
1. 星期一如常返工...星期二你老闆會叫你去 City Hall 度搞d野
2. 系 City Hall 度...首先同法官傾偈...再同另外果個人傾...佢會問你俾唔俾300$佢幫你手...你選擇(1)俾錢佢...再同法官傾偈...如常返工搵錢
3. 搵夠錢就去Shopping Mall度買冷氣機 500$...同系 Shopping Mall 右下角個女人傾偈...選擇(2)送野俾佢...按一下冷氣機...夠錢的可以買埋對 in-line skates...唔夠就星期六先買
4. 去搵法官...佢就會話你知件事解決左...之後uncle就會打俾你話 "well done"...仲有報酬添
5. 星期六 12:00 系屋企等Elio (一定要有 in-line skates)
*如想增加 family...可以去shopping mall 度買只cd "vivaldi" (費用 80$) 送俾你uncle


任務 : 買條裙仔出席首影禮 (費用 600$)
Carmie 同埋媽咪病左...要去醫院探下佢地
星期六 10:00 - 14:00 系屋企等Elio黎接你
特發任務 : 媽咪同Carmie病左... Uncle生日呀...買只cd "ADIA" 送俾佢 (費用 80$)
1. 如常地返工(不過系屋企既cafe幫手)...食下野咁...記得去 Hospital 探下你屋企人
2. 到左中午左右要系屋企(系cafe唔算屋企)...老豆會叫你出街 "met" 街招...17:00前要搞掂...路經 Cat-a-gogo Boutique 時順手買埋條裙仔
3. 媽咪會打俾你...叫你去買只cd "ADIA"...星期三18:00前要送去uncle公司祝佢生日快樂...所以中午左右就開始系屋企等媽咪電話喇
4. 星期六 10:00 - 14:00 系屋企等Elio黎接你


任務 : Elio 會同我出去高級酒店食飯呀...星期六 19:00系屋企等佢
特發任務 : 教堂有事...你要 1. 拿批文 (去city hall 費用 100$)
2. 買材料 (費用 100$)
3. 請工人幫手 (費用 500$)
1. 返工...食飯...收到uncle call...去 city hall 又系果個白衫既貪心佬...俾100$佢幫你手拿批文
2. 去 shopping mall 買木板 500$
3. 返屋企既cafe搵 Ernie ...請佢做工人...選擇(2) 500$
4. 睇下教堂入唔入到去...入到就即系ok左
5. 去Cat-a-gogo Boutique 搵右手邊個男人傾偈...佢會俾500$你
6. 我地繼續扮靚靚同發錢寒...等待美滿既星期六 19:00


任務 : 星期六 14:00 ~ 15:00 系屋企等 Elio 去野餐
你系咁病...有事記得去shopping mall 買葯食 (費用 50$)
1. 一起身你就發燒喇...快d食個早餐...跟住去隔離間醫院度睇醫生啦...睇完記得去shopping mall度買葯呀(唔好買得多...食一次買一次)
2. 病都未好...老豆又黎搵你幫手喇...睇下d外國人叫左d乜...你要記底...再分返d食物俾佢地
3. 你鍾意搵錢又好...休息又好...總之星期六准時等Eilo啦


任務 : 星期六 14:00 陪你男朋友去shopping...佢去你屋企接你
特發任務 : Alfredo 被禁入境...幫佢搵返d證件出黎
媽咪唔記得左拎野...你快d渣車去啦 (用上.下.左.右箭咀移動)
1. 佢地好忙趕住酬備宴會...返下工先啦
2. 老豆一出場...又有麻煩野喇...Alfredo被禁入境呀...快d幫佢搵返d出生證明啦...按一下Carmie開始搜查 (證明文件有2張) ...搞掂個法官就會打俾你...ok曬
3. 媽咪留左野呀...你快d幫手渣車去拎返啦
4. 星期六 14:00前系屋企等你男朋友啦


任務 : 星期六 17:00 - 19:00 男朋友黎接你...今次去見佢d 好 fit 既女性朋友...你肥左啵...去shopping mall買粒減肥葯啦 (費用 150$)
特發任務 : 幫手執走d不良既野
1. 返工既第二日...媽咪會叫你幫手執下Carmie間房...拎走d唔岩小朋友用既野...快手d喇俾人鬧喇 (煙...酒...雪茄)
2. 有錢就去買粒減肥葯食下啦
3. keep好你既狀態...等星期六 17:00 佢黎接你喇


任務 : 星期三 18:00前買支香水 (費用 150$) 送俾Elio個媽咪
星期六 13:00 Carmie 結婚了
特發任務 : 又有好多人黎你屋企間cafe食野喇...幫手整好d pan-cake 佢啦...小左邊樣你就加返落去啦...完成就按 ok
1. 去shopping mall度買支香水送俾Elio個媽咪
2. 老豆又出場...搵你幫手整pan-cake呀...快d啦...小心整錯又俾佢鬧呀
3. 等星期六 13:00...按一下Carmie...Elio會打電話俾你...之後再按一下教堂...按祈禱...婚禮開始喇


任務 : 星期六 18:00 同Elio去俞家班
Catherine 同埋 Maurizio 約你去打網球...等你放鬆一下 (位置 Cat-a-gogo Boutique)
打網球時 : 左.右既箭咀移動...space bar打波
1. 一開始返工又得...去打網球又得...只要keep任自己既狀態就ok喇
2. 只要狀態好...星期六 18:00佢同你去做俞家...必定無失禮啦


任務 : 老豆同媽咪去旅行...Carmie同 Ernie會返黎住住先...你照顧佢地喇
星期六 18:00...Elio帶我去睇畫展
特發任務 : 買 1. 酒 (費用 500$)
2. 風扇 (費用 0$)
3. 咖啡機 (費用 0$)
1. 頭一日你要做家務...記住媽咪未返之前都唔好系屋企食飯...因為唔會加...只會減...出街食好
2. 第二日有特發任務...去shopping mall 買支酒...問Carmie拎風扇...問 Ernie拎咖啡機...星期二 17:00前
3. "met"抗議書...我次次都差3張先夠14張...星期四 17:00前
4. 以最靚既姿態出席星期六既約會啦


任務 : 請Elio黎你屋企既cafe食飯...搵個大廚返黎煮啦
星期六 18:00 - 20:00 等Elio黎
特發任務 : 幫Uncle搵返5頁既文件出黎
1. 去shopping mall搵個廚師...選擇(1)...再按多佢一次傾...選擇(1)...(1)
2. 返屋企同Carmie傾偈...選擇(1)
3. Uncle 搵你幫手...去City Hall搵法官...選擇(1)...返工司開工
4. 幫手拎開d野搵個5頁紙喇...要返工司做野...就去搵法官啦
5. 等星期五Elio系你屋企既cafe度食飯啦


任務 : Elio約我星期六 18:00-20:00系屋企等佢
特發任務 : 幫Teresa服務客人...記底佢地叫咩食啦
Teresa今次仲離譜...要你搵...草姑...蛋 (費用 100$)...發酵2年既芝士
1. 忙完一日之後...幫Teresa手喇
2. 開車喇...唔好俾Teresa睇死呀...加油呀
3. 芝士問媽咪就有喇...蛋去shopping mall買啦...草姑我就搵唔到...星期四 18:00前
4. 等Elio星期六黎接你啦


任務 : 派邀請函俾每一個人...唔好溜呀 (有個叫anut Stefania 系shopping mall 度架)
系屋企等的士...星期六 18:00 - 20:00
特發任務 : 幫人搵女仔...見到大廈有女仔行過就影佢相啦 (有心口個d先系女仔呀)
Elio 個媽咪唔舒服...車佢入急症室
1. 食個早餐出發喇...見到人就按佢一下...再按佢頭隔離既邀請函
2. Anut Stefania叫你幫手影人相呀...快d啦...唔好影錯啵
3. 飛車喇...睇住時間呀
4. 搞好你既身體狀態...睇下嫁唔嫁到個有錢人啦




游戲開始,選性別、換裝(偶選了一個十分modern的MM喔~),然後劇情:鄰居Bree叫你起床洗澡,到房間右上角的浴室那裡,按5鍵,選shower(後面的任務都要通過這種方式完成,對著物品、人物、地點按5鍵,然後選擇下一步行動),10分鍾後,美女出浴。接下來,到洗手池那裡吹下頭發,Style hair以後,Bree才告訴你…房東來了…走去門口,一個中年男人開始沖你吼叫,說如果3天內不交夠100美金房租,就把你掃地出門…嗚嗚…才50塊錢…怎辦啊?這時候,Bree又告訴你,想要工作的話,就去CollinsAv的Auto Bar找Bill。走到門口,按5,選擇map-Auto Bar。 進去後,跟那個光頭男人(頭上有星星)對話,他說等到你和他關系近點才會給你工作(色男…),於是你就需要把他的好感度(這也是游戲中一項非常重要的因素)提升到2星。怎麼做呢?陌生人當然要從交談開始。與人交談當然要投其所好,說他喜歡的話題才能提升好感喔,有時候說錯話是會有相反效果的。比如該男對電影和時尚比較感興趣(試出來的~),你就要選Talk-Subject(主題)裡面的movie和fashion。之後,2星完成,接下來你就被僱傭了。後面有個收款機,(上面有嘆號),繞進去,選擇work,然後終於有money了,回去交房租…(在這里,每工作4小時會有200美金入帳,要勤奮喔~) 回到家,房東等在門口,給他錢後,Bree告訴你她的一個在海灘的朋友很想見你,之後,門口-Map-Beach,來到海灘~ 走到最裡面,有個叫Michael的,對話,他說你需要鍛煉。對著沙灘巾選work out,你就花掉10美元做了一次耗時10分鍾的運動。再與Michael說話,他又說音響聲音太大,要你關小。走到左邊音響那裡選music,之後再次對話,好感達到2星後(話題:sport和movie),你受到邀請,與他在Auto Bar見面。 場景轉換到街上,往上走,第一家店就是。裡面有兩個男人,看清楚喔,裡面那個才是Michael。對話,share-gift-drink,然後到後面發光那個東東那裡選music,再交談,share-dance,flirt-on the lips,之後,該色男提出要到你家坐坐。 出門回家,收到Bree信息,下面,該男有過份企圖…自己處理…反正後來是broke up了… Bree過來安慰你,並建議你去CollinsAv的manor,場景轉換,第一家店,get into。 跟門口的Bree對話,她給的任務是在這里結交到一個新朋友,並邀對方跳舞。之後到鍵盤那裡,dance,提高下舞技先。然後與中間的男人跳舞並達到3星關系,此時他會對你說起關於一個collector的事。去找Bree,她會讓你去拜訪那個人。 來到海灘,跟右下角的Charles達到2星關系後,他會邀你去圖書館。出口-map-library,與他對話,他說他的收藏並不完整,繼續對話,他驚奇地得知剩餘部分在你家。於是,你回到家,再次與他對話後,趕往Auto Bar。 進門見到漂亮的Margaret,可她說只與朋友做生意~那麼就把她變成朋友吧(批評sport、贊美、送花、喝酒)~3星後,美女送你個別墅~哈哈~這時,工作有了、房子也有了~下面就開始追逐你的明星夢吧~
