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发布时间:2020-04-29 17:57:53






2、gta5 ScriptHookV.dll怎么用,ScriptHookV.dll使用攻略

1.下载gta5 ScriptHookV.dll文件
修 改 器 菜 单 选 项:

【 player / 玩家选项 】- skin changer 换人
- teleport 传送
- fix player 医疗和清洗玩家
- reset skin 还原原始游戏人物
- add cash 增加 100W 金钱
- wanted up/down/never 加减取消通缉
- never wanted off/on 关闭 / 开启永远不会被通缉
- invincible off/on 关闭 / 开启无敌
- police ignored off/on 关闭 / 开启警察无视你的存在 - unlimited ability off/on 关闭 / 开启无限超级能力
- noiseless off/on 关闭 / 开启脚步声音
- fast swim /run off/on 关闭 / 开启超级跑/游泳
- super jump off/on 关闭 / 开启超级跳

【 weapon / 武器选项 】- get all weapon 获得所有武器
- no reload off/on 关闭 / 开启无需填装和无限子弹
- fire ammo off/on 关闭 / 开启所有武器的子弹都有火焰
- explosive ammo off/on 关闭 / 开启所有子弹都会引发爆炸
- explosive melee off/on 关闭 / 开启近战爆炸
- vehicle rockets off/on 关闭 / 开启所有车辆可以发射火箭(NUM +)

【 vehicle / 车辆选项 】- car spawner 刷出车辆
- paint random 随机喷漆
- fix 修复车辆
- wrap in spawned off/on 关闭 / 开启直接坐在创建车辆里面
- invincible off/on 关闭 / 开启车辆无敌
- speed boost off/on 关闭 / 开启车辆速度(NUM 9 / 3)

【 world / 世界选项 】- moon gravity off/on 关闭 / 开启月球重力
- random cops off/on 关闭 / 开启随机警察
- random trains off/on 关闭 / 开启随机火车
- random boats off/on 关闭 / 开启随机船
- garbage trucks off/on 关闭 / 开启随机垃圾车

【 time / 时间选项 】- hour forward 时间前进
- hour backward 时间后退
- clock paused off/on 关闭 / 开启时间停止
- sync with system off/on 关闭 / 开启同步系统时间

【 weather / 天气选项 】- set wind 风

【 misc / 其他选项 】- next radio track 下一个无线电台
- hide hud 隐藏 HUD

3、gta5 ScriptHookV.dll怎么用,ScriptHookV.dll使用攻略

1.下载gta5 ScriptHookV.dll文件
修 改 器 菜 单 选 项:

【 player / 玩家选项 】- skin changer 换人
- teleport 传送
- fix player 医疗和清洗玩家
- reset skin 还原原始游戏人物
- add cash 增加 100W 金钱
- wanted up/down/never 加减取消通缉
- never wanted off/on 关闭 / 开启永远不会被通缉
- invincible off/on 关闭 / 开启无敌
- police ignored off/on 关闭 / 开启警察无视你的存在 - unlimited ability off/on 关闭 / 开启无限超级能力
- noiseless off/on 关闭 / 开启脚步声音
- fast swim /run off/on 关闭 / 开启超级跑/游泳
- super jump off/on 关闭 / 开启超级跳

【 weapon / 武器选项 】- get all weapon 获得所有武器
- no reload off/on 关闭 / 开启无需填装和无限子弹
- fire ammo off/on 关闭 / 开启所有武器的子弹都有火焰
- explosive ammo off/on 关闭 / 开启所有子弹都会引发爆炸
- explosive melee off/on 关闭 / 开启近战爆炸
- vehicle rockets off/on 关闭 / 开启所有车辆可以发射火箭(NUM +)

【 vehicle / 车辆选项 】- car spawner 刷出车辆
- paint random 随机喷漆
- fix 修复车辆
- wrap in spawned off/on 关闭 / 开启直接坐在创建车辆里面
- invincible off/on 关闭 / 开启车辆无敌
- speed boost off/on 关闭 / 开启车辆速度(NUM 9 / 3)

【 world / 世界选项 】- moon gravity off/on 关闭 / 开启月球重力
- random cops off/on 关闭 / 开启随机警察
- random trains off/on 关闭 / 开启随机火车
- random boats off/on 关闭 / 开启随机船
- garbage trucks off/on 关闭 / 开启随机垃圾车

【 time / 时间选项 】- hour forward 时间前进
- hour backward 时间后退
- clock paused off/on 关闭 / 开启时间停止
- sync with system off/on 关闭 / 开启同步系统时间

【 weather / 天气选项 】- set wind 风

【 misc / 其他选项 】- next radio track 下一个无线电台
- hide hud 隐藏 HUD


Drag the items to the Grow sphere in this order:
Click on the pocket of the coat, get prayer card.
Go toend of the attic. Get the rope from underneath the chest.
Open the middle drawer of the chest and get the crucifix.
Look on top of the chest. Use the rope with hook to combine the two items.
Go back to where you woke up in the attic. Use the and hook on the gap above the door.
Play around withby moving left and right to "fish" for the doorknob from the other end. Once this is accomplished, and you hear a noise that signals that the door has been opened, click the doorknob to open the door.
Proceed down the stairs. Click the lightswitch on the left side of the screen.
the hallway that leads to the master bedroom and bathroom. The bathroom is not necessary, but it gives you a hint for later. Enter the bathroom.
Turn on theIt will cloud the mirror, telling you to look for what is not there, rather than what is there. This refers to the alarm clock in the bedroom...
Enter the bedroom.
Get the statue of Shiva on the left.
Click on the switch for the lamps. It is located middle of the power cord below the window.
Get the note on the right side of the bed. Get the alarm clock on the right side of the screen. A four-digit number can be read on it by looking at the spaces that are NOT lit up. This number is the password for the computer diary in the office.
Go back to the main hallway and enter the Get the "Murder" note on the rightmost printer. Turn on the computer and read the diary after inputting the password from the alarm clock. It is necessary to read this in order to finish the game, and it is important for the story and setting.
Go back tohallway. Enter the door on the right that closed by itself. Wait for the weird stuff to happen, then switch on the lamp on the right side of the room.
Get the Qur'an on the small table on the right.
Continue on downstairs. Turn up the lamp. Enter the loungeroom. shofar and the Buddha statue (in the middle and next to the TV respectively).
Return to theEnter the linen closet. Get the Ema (prayer board) and the "Lust" note.
Notice that the closet lights up. Click on it. Get the key. Click on the safe. If you got all three notes, you notice that each word (Love, Lust, Murder) is written inside a shape (Square, Circle). On the safe, these shapes are inscribed in that order, so go ahead and input the numbers that correspond to the letters LOVELUSTMURDER. Those numbers are 56835878687337. Access is granted, and you get the Soothsayer.
Go back toand use the key on the locked door.
Two endings, take your pick:
- Use the Soothsayer with the Ouija Divining Glass in the middle of the kitchen (bad idea!) or...
- Go out to the backyard and click on the pre-dug hole.

Congratulations, you finished!




第一关:Asylum Aftermath
CG后从地图上可以发现1st floor的电梯出口有人来回走,那是一个疯人院的管理人员。可惜他手里拿着电棒(stungun),而警察会攻击任何手持武器的人,于是一会四名警察巡视到这里时,他就一命呜呼了。

第二关:The Meat King's Party
换上屠夫的衣服,出卡车后关上后车门(开关在卡车左侧后部),否则屠夫跑出来报信就麻烦了。扔掉所有武器(指枪,syringe和绳索可以留下)。门口有安检。避开敌人走到1st floor上面的(!)处(更衣室),等一会会看到一个跳艳舞的mm和一个红衣侍者。走到侍者后面,待侍者往外走时扎上一针(不要让mm发现,这个比较难,最好存盘),换上侍者的衣服,走到地图下方的(!)处,取一支opium pipe给地图右下角的lawyer,捡起床边的手枪(消音的,呵呵)将其干掉,扔枪走回更衣室换回屠夫装。
扔掉meat hook到1st floor中间的(!)处(隔壁的厨房)拿起chicken,注意不要与其它厨师或屠夫有密切接触。从地图下方的楼梯(舞厅处)走到二楼,楼上有安检(meat hook也不能带)。先不理meat king,从地图左边没有显示的门走到地图下侧的屋子,避开敌人监视捡起一把刀再收起(有两种刀,最好是菜刀而非匕首),拉下窗帘(按钮在墙上),等女人走后送chicken给meat king,接着一刀毙之。
p.s: 更衣室里有一件侍者红衣,但是厅内若同时出现两名侍者就会露馅。
1st floor左下可以换蒙面黑衣,杀lawyer处可以拣到VIP invitation,不带武器的话这样也可以上二楼,但是不能接近meat king。但是或许可以从二楼下部右上的门经天台走到二楼上部,再绕下去拿枪。笔者没有试过(太麻烦了)。

第三关:The Bjarkhov Bomb
那个人是你的同党,等一会他会把汤给Fabian Fuchs喝,然后Fabian Fuchs会去厕所。搬着箱子进去,关门后用消音手枪将其干掉,换上他的衣服。出门又是CG。跟着士兵走,注意进tunnel(隧道)时要干脆地走进去,否则会引起怀疑。
穿越弯曲的隧道,左转走一段路进楼。从右边第二个门上二楼。二楼有人安检(不要动,否则……),然后进门,寒暄一阵后凑到桌旁,趁他转身倒酒时捡枪毙之(它比较抗打,要快)。捡起master key,将尸体拖入侧门(好像不拖也行)。

第四关:Beldingford Manor
这一关对潜行的要求相当高,首先要一路从左边潜行至主楼左下角的小院,途中注意利用灌木丛和其他掩体,并且跑和潜行要相互配合。然后会有一个indoor guard从右边过来,用syringe将其麻倒,换上他的衣服。注意,从现在起所有动作要一气呵成,因为它不久后就会醒,到时……
从院里的梯子爬上二楼,捡起桌上的毒药,穿过浴室(一女在洗浴,理论上应先到一楼左下机房关热水,趁她去开热水时再原路返回冲过去,但好像影响不大,为赶时间略过了),等Lord Winston Beldingford向外走时,进入卧室。Lord Winston Beldingford在出第一道门时会回头一瞥,利用卧室的屏风避开,在他走到第二道门之前用消音手枪或绳索把它干掉。不要让床上的女人发现(虽然她经常在睡觉)。
原路返回至小院,进正门,向右转一直走到楼梯(注意避开守卫,管家好像无所谓:)),下楼在(!)处(酒桶中)放毒(一会Alistair Beldingford就会被毒死)。原路返回出正门,直奔左边的Stables,捡起中部上面房间里的水壶,到左部水桶中下毒,然后关掉有线电视,立刻直奔中部上面的房间,待三名守卫全出去时,冲到对面房间拿走钥匙,再到右部下面的房间放出Giles Northcott,然后一路狂奔即可溜之大吉(当然仍要尽量避开守卫和马夫的耳目)。
p.s: Stables二层有一个人,很难避开他爬上去。但若打死他可捡到狙击枪,在(!)处可以对窗把Lord Winston Beldingford狙掉。
正门左边的汽车旁面有汽油,在二楼杀死Lord Winston Beldingford的地方有门通往三楼,在三楼可以用把汽油倒入烟筒引起爆炸。但是这种杀人方式惊天动地,不推荐采用。

第五关:Rendezvous in Rotterdam
上楼梯,现在无法进入二楼(没有VIP keycard)。在二楼等候(可能要等很长时间,5分钟左右吧)。注意地图中一楼的(!),就是那名要买照片的记者。在漫长的等待后,他会和一个守卫一起上楼,尾随进二楼,在它们作交易的房门口守候。守卫会先行离开。当记者出门时用针将其麻醉,得到他身上的照片。然后进屋,用消音手枪把boss做掉(此时他应该在地图左边的厕所),得到保险柜密码。把记者拖进屋,到地图右边的保险柜取出黄色信封(也可不取,但是里面有钱-_-),重回basement。

第六关:Deadly Cargo

第七关:Traditions of the Trade
捡起请柬和手提箱去饭店正门,门口安检会把所有枪支收掉。不管它,进正门后向前走,向右转上二楼,Franz Fuchs在右边的202室。门口有人看守,那人警觉性很高,不要有太多接触。各楼层都会出现一些服务生打扫房间。趁他进屋而附近又没有人的时候从门上拿一把master key。然后到200室旁边没有号的房间(Franz Fuchs所在房间的右下方小径),打开门(也可以一开始就撬锁,当然要避开旁人),关门换上服务生的衣服,捡起毛巾。然后最好存盘。
当202室里面的那个守卫出阳台时名正言顺的进那间屋子,门口的人只给你十秒时间(他是说真的)。进屋后立即进左边(地图上是上边)浴室关门,潜行速将Franz Fuchs勒死,然后收绳关门出屋(这一串动作好难,还要避过里面的人……)。最好的情况是没被发现,其次是被守卫扔出房门,再其次就读盘吧。
换回原来的衣服,到三楼右部的左边偏上方的门上中间天台,到地图左边的窗户潜行进去(里面有一个守卫左右走,最好在他到右边的时候进去),捡起桌上的毒药再原路返回。从三楼右部左边楼梯下到二楼左部,进入左边的酒吧,趁Fritz Fuchs不在时与吧台上的服务员对话把他支开,再趁酒吧内那个警察(也是左右走)到右边不注意你时迅速进吧台左边的门,关门(确定那个警察没跟来)在酒里下毒,再出门(仍然要避开那个警察的视线)。一会Fritz Fuchs洗完澡过来喝酒时就会被毒死。
当警察离开尸体附近后,若无其事地走过去捡起Fritz Fuchs身上的钥匙,再次回到天台,在那个守卫向左走时潜行进房间,从下面的门潜出再向右(地图上是左)走,确定下一间房间的守卫在左边时一口气潜入左上角的房间((!)处)关门(其实也可以爬进窗后一路前行,视看守的具体位置而定,但都不容易,多多存盘)。捡起chemical bomb后,原路潜回天台。
警察若看到你拿着chemical bomb,就会攻击你。先把chemical bomb扔在天台,从右部的楼梯下到一楼(不要碰到警察),看到一个警察看守杀人现场(里面的(!)处有刀子,卫生间有猎枪弹药,不过用不着),经过他到108室,里面有个警察正在洗澡。潜行进去换上他的衣服(还有一把手枪,也用不着)回天台取bomb,再原路下楼,避开一个来回走的警察把通往正门的门撬开一路走到exit处即可。
p.s:二楼放毒的地方往右走的(!)处有一个flower box,里面有把猎枪。但一旦拆开就不能复原,不过可以带着它通过安检。
先捡108室的手枪,再上天台把在池中心洗浴的Fritz Fuchs干掉,也是一种选择。

第八关:Slaying a Dragon
一、立即掏出狙击枪,对准公园门口找到Red Dragon Negotiator就是一枪,扔枪在civilian报信之前一路狂奔,到右边的exit处即可(2分多一点)。
三、比较爽的一种玩法,捡起桌上的炸弹和遥控器,到五楼把左边两个门的锁撬开,换上衣服,不要引起公园下面的门口守卫的注意,在这个门口下面的汽车上装上炸弹。然后回到五楼左上角的房间,启动炸弹(不会吧,连直升机都来了),Red Dragon Negotiator就会傻乎乎的逃到这个房间。用消音手枪虐他吧……别让他逃掉。走人。

第九关:The Wang Fou Incident
p.s:第十一关还要用到这个场景,有空不妨去后院逛逛。地图里显示的后院的人其实是在basement,所以没有危险。在后院楼内二楼桌子上有Orthmeyer's Keycard,不知有何用途,麻烦各位达人介绍一下。

第十关:The Seafood Massacre
一开始就要扔掉suitcase狂奔,到饭店上方的入口撬锁进入地下室,换上厨师服,再一路狂奔至饭店右侧的厨房入口撬开锁,不要进去,立刻一路狂奔至大地图上方中间小巷里的下水道口,确保赶上在那里解手的Red Dragon Negotiator,确保没人盯着你时用消音手枪对他后脑开一枪,尸体会直接落到下水道。
冒充Red Dragon Negotiator进饭店时可以向服务员要二楼的卫生间钥匙,可以从卫生间的窗口爬出去,但是下面有两个警察……无论是Red Dragon的衣服还是Blue Lotus的衣服都不管用。

第十一关:The Lee Hong Assassination
先进饭店,在一楼左边的大厅中找到服务员,跟他对话可以得到请柬(他很傻的)。待服务员走后在柜台左边可以得到laxative(泻药)。用请柬到中间的楼梯,会有人带你一路去饭店下面的brothel,在那里见到一个老太婆,她会把你带到一个叫Mei Ling(美玲?)的姑娘面前,跟着Mei Ling去一间小屋,对话后得知她是被逼良为娼的(我想也是),带她从另一个门到阳台,你时针转一个大圈,在阳台缺口处进左边的门捡到毒药(也可以不捡,不要开保险柜,警铃会响),跳过阳台(别忘了呆在那儿拉她一把),到桥附近贴右边潜行,到对面潜进门,门内有一个守卫,但从他后面的楼梯潜行下去就没问题。但要注意一楼来回巡视的守卫。在他往地下室巡视时立刻潜行出右边的门,到达铁门时(别把Mei Ling甩掉),Mei Ling会给你保险柜的密码(其实把Lee Hong干掉后,同样可以从他身上得到密码,不过还是干件善事吧)。
从右边的门进厨房,潜行,不要让背身拿菜刀的厨师看见你。在那个厨师右边的汤中下laxative(一定不能下毒药)。然后端汤走到Lee Hong的背后,上汤,Zun就会先喝,然后狂奔去厕所。确定他不再回头看你时把Lee Hong勒死。然后把尸体拖到Zun所坐位置的圆桌对面,确保尸体不会被发现。再次返回地下室,换上二楼守卫穿的黑衣(别和自己的黑衣弄混),到电梯处乘梯到二楼,避开守卫直插二楼北厅。当饭店北边庭院中的守卫向左走时,立刻出门向右跑,在右上方有个缺口可以跳入水池。水池上方中间有个入口(地图内没显示),进去拐几个弯打开暗门,就看到用来逃跑的小艇。铁门内有一个人看守,只能开门后立刻向上奔,到一楼再潜行。因为门是向里开的,你的身份可能暴露,但是他找不到你,也不会alert。潜入二楼,内有一人上下走动,到他刚开始往下走时潜行尾随他到(!)处的保险柜,靠左打开保险柜(柜门向右开,会把你挤住),拿走Jade后出门再关门,立即到楼梯(这一串动作必须干净利落,否则会被那个人发现)。潜行到地下室的那个人附近,一鼓作气开门冲过去吧(可能会挨几枪)。到小艇的左后部就OK了。

第十二关:Hunter and Hunted
此关一开始就不能停。什么都不要捡,狂奔出屋,沿走廊一直跑到尽头(警察应该已从中间的楼梯上来了),把电闸关掉,趁一片黑暗跑到二楼。二楼右边中间有一个警察面朝上,用针把它扎晕,换上他的衣服。把他拖到电梯(小心楼梯上的警察,别被他们发现,而且要快,因为二楼很快就要来人),收枪关门,趁没人时撬开刚才那名警察所在的房门(内有一具尸体),里面有枪,但只须捡一针syringe。然后下楼(尽量避开警察)。走到Inspector Albert Fournier上面的小巷(途中最好利用下水道并随时潜行,因为警察的警觉性极高)。
先到Inspector Albert Fournier后面的两个警察身后,这时要确保这两个警察盯着你。然后从他们中间潜行过去(两个警察应该还在向后看,好傻啊)。用消音手枪对Inspector Albert Fournier的头开一枪(用绳索也可以),收枪,直行。贴下面的楼房到地图左下角。那里有一个工人,不要引起他的注意。潜行至他背后把它扎晕,换上他的衣服,捡起他的钥匙,把他拖到上面小巷,然后直奔上方的exit处,乘着那里的Ambulance酷酷地完成整个游戏吧。



6、高分求解答 传奇私服 发现非法HOOK进程:mir2tianji.bin游戏已被中止 出现这样一句话然后就走不了





Welcome House 2
Keaton and his Uncle
by Mike Coates
[email protected]

Episode 2: Independence Day

Cast of Characters:
Uncle Parkinson
Keaton Paxman
Napolean: the dog
Allegro Adagio: music teacher
Escargo Aperitif: the chef
Jack Smith: handy man

Start: brings up map, pressing twice brings up save menu.
Save Game: once in save game menu ( pressing start twice) move
directional up or down to select file press start to confirm. If you
already have a game saved in that file it will ask you if you want to
overwrite. When finished press X to get back to game.
L1,L2,R1,R2,TRIANGLE: are not used.
X: Cancels selection.
Open doors: push forward when in front of door.
Run: hold down "square" then in the direction you want to go.
O: inventory select menu press again to select chosen item, press X to
cancel and exit to game
Tip of the day: follow the underlined words it is a verbal map.

Now let's Play.

Iam not going to tell you about all the surprises I want you to find
them yourself, I am going to tell you which is the best way to go, but
feel free to explore on your own and when you get stuck check back
here. You start the game in Keaton's room a little groggy, or maybe
his eyes allways look like that. In this room as well as others in the
mansion you will see a radio, go to it if you would like to change the
BGM or turn it or any other sounds of the game off. Take the present
your Uncle has left for you, answer the phone/ I believe no Im
guessing but I think your Uncle invites you to come out because he is
throwing the biggest 4Th of July bash or should I say "BANG". Now
leave the room there are no more items in here. Go down the hall and
through the door into the Foyer across the room to the first door.
Sitting Room follow the white line to the radio in the center of the
room use it, go to the dresser and inspect it, answer the phone. Once
again its your uncle he tels you to meet him in the Downstairs
Hallway. He has something for you.
( Im making this up of course) Now leave and go to the center of the
Foyer and stand on the red circle and read the sign. Go to the
Downstairs Bathroom now throw open that curtain and let's see what's
behind curtain #2 Monty. Now your locked in, while you figure out how
to get out take a load off by having a seat on the toilet (walk Keaton
backwards to sit down). The Vegas Room Let's play the slots, the
trick here is to play the machines in a certain order to win, try
playing the machime on the left a couple of times then the one in the
center. Go through the hole on the wall. Bowling Alley play a few
games try both lanes. Theatre Room grab some popcorn its show time,
sit in each row then inspect the door without the lit exit sign, go
through it. Bowling Alley play another game go through the one with
the arrow on it. Pull the lever and back up until you are on the red
danger circle. Inspect your uncles car. OOPS! stand on the danger
circle and pull the lever, go over to the table inspect it to find the
key. Step back on to the red circle pull lever to go back to the other
side. Now go through the door which leads you to the downstairs
hallway, go back to the Foyer and go to the door in the back corner
use the key on it. Dining Room. Once in the room go through the other
door into the Kitchen now go through the next door to the Bar. Look
behind the counter and find money and a bottle of Saki. Answer the
phone, its your uncle again I think he tells you to watch out for
Napolean because he has been drinking all the Saki. Go through the
door with the Welcome House 2 poster next to it. Pool talk to Jack
Smith, I have no idea what he is trying to tell you. Retrace you steps
till you get back to the Dining Room and inspect the fire place, pull
the lever to lower the staircase. Bowling Alley bowl with the red ball
go through the door with arrow next to it climb on top of the car and
press the button. You just turned off the escalator function of the
stairs. Go in to the Theatre Room use the exit with the lit sign
Record Shop give captain hook your dollar. Go back to the other exit
door (unlit exit sign) Vegas Room go through the hole to the Bowling
Alley use stairs in corner Dining Room go through Kitchen to the Bar
play the record on the juke box. Happy Days are here again. Inspect
door next to juke box to unlock it now you can open it. Foyer go
upstairs you are in Upstairs Hallway #1 go through door to left
Upstairs Hallway #2 follow hallway to first door you come to and
enter. Jack's Room take a load off by sitting on his bed, climb up
ladder take statue of liberty statue. Answer phone, examine glass
doors to open them. Go to hallway back the way you came, go through
the blue door. TV Room answer phone, turn on tv. Go downstairs to
Kitchen , talk to chef Escargo go to Dining Room answer phone, leave
room through white door to Foyer here's mud in your eye. Go back to
Kitchen once again talk to chef Escargo he will give you a platter and
instruct you to put it on the table in the Dining Room but not to look
at it. go back to Kitchen talk to Escargo then go to Dining Room and
look at the platter. Leave dining room go Upstairs there's that weasel
Napolean head him off at the pass. Go into the room down the hall
Closet Room look in one of the closets there's Napolean again head him
off at the pass. Not this time leave and go to the TV Room have a seat
in the chair against the wall to ponder how to catch that darn dog.
Go back to the Closet Room take a peak inside any of the closets. Go
back through the blue door, Upstairs Hallway #2 go to the closet
against the wall and open it. Take the axe go back through blue door
to Upstairs Hallway #1 walk around to the white door and open it
Outside Staircase Hey the new diving board is in let's go try it out.
Pool walk on diving board to the edge and give the axe to the Water
Princess, talk to her she will offer you three different axes take the
yellow axe from her. Go back to the Outside Staircase climb up and use
the yellow axe on the stone face statue on the wall to break his
chains. Inspect the face to open the wall. Go through opening in wall.
Library take a book from each of the bookcases against the walls, the
room will move and the door will unlock. Go through the door and
follow the hallway around to the stairs climb them. Upstairs Hallway
#3 follow the danger signs to the first room go inside. Music Room
play the piano, talk to Alegro she lectures you on the finer points of
music. Go back to Upstairs Hallway #3 go in to the room at the end of
the hall. Crate Room open the chest take the bomb, press the switch on
the wall to open the french doors, go downstairs where the giant ball
squished you and go in to the room there, Allegro's Room put the green
book in the bookcase, answer the phone twice, place the bomb on table
against the wall with the bandages on the wallpaper. Go through the
hole you created. Chef Escargo's Room put the right colored book in
the bookcase, inspect the door to unlock it. Upstairs Hallway #2 go to
Jack's Room there's that dog again, leave and go to the Bathroom #2
one door over. Leave the bathroom go down the hall follow those
footprints to the TV Room have a seat and watch some tv. Follow
Napolean in to the next room and try to catch him. Go to the Kitchen
talk to chef Escargo he will give you a heart to give to Allegro, go
upstairs to the white door, ( cool short cut huh ) Go to Ms Allegro's
Room she will lecture you about the hole you made in her wall, give
her the heart. She will then begin to tell you her life story giving
you more information about her personal affairs than you care to hear
about. She gives you an apple, go to the Kitchen via the hole in the
wall. Talk to chef Escargo give him the apple, take the scale off of
the counter, follow the chef through the opening in the wall. Boiler
Room take the bottle of Saki from him go to the Dining Room place the
bottle on the dining table. Leave and go to the Sitting Room and put a
book in to the bookcase, go to Keaton's Room put the last book in to
the bookcase there and go back to the Dining Room check out Napolean
take the key from him. Go back through the white door upstairs go to
the Crate Room look for the crate that is a different color than the
rest and push it. Go to the Music Room look in the trash can take the
heart. Go through the french doors walk along the ledge to the Crate
Room climb the crates in to the Independence Room go to each of the
floormats and set an item on the table when the correct order is done
the door will unlock. go through this door in to Uncle Parkinsons nap
room push the button on the wall ot open the elevator doors push the
button again. Go to the first door and use the key to unlock it then
go inside.

Game Over
Thank You for Playing

9、gta5 ScriptHookV.dll怎么用,ScriptHookV.dll使用攻略

1.下载gta5 ScriptHookV.dll文件:

相关补丁下载:侠盗猎车手5ScriptHookV.dll补丁 游戏工具 - 396KB

修 改 器 菜 单 选 项:

【 player / 玩家选项 】- skin changer 换人
- teleport 传送
- fix player 医疗和清洗玩家
- reset skin 还原原始游戏人物
- add cash 增加 100W 金钱
- wanted up/down/never 加减取消通缉
- never wanted off/on 关闭 / 开启永远不会被通缉
- invincible off/on 关闭 / 开启无敌
- police ignored off/on 关闭 / 开启警察无视你的存在 - unlimited ability off/on 关闭 / 开启无限超级能力
- noiseless off/on 关闭 / 开启脚步声音
- fast swim /run off/on 关闭 / 开启超级跑/游泳
- super jump off/on 关闭 / 开启超级跳

【 weapon / 武器选项 】- get all weapon 获得所有武器
- no reload off/on 关闭 / 开启无需填装和无限子弹
- fire ammo off/on 关闭 / 开启所有武器的子弹都有火焰
- explosive ammo off/on 关闭 / 开启所有子弹都会引发爆炸
- explosive melee off/on 关闭 / 开启近战爆炸
- vehicle rockets off/on 关闭 / 开启所有车辆可以发射火箭(NUM +)

【 vehicle / 车辆选项 】- car spawner 刷出车辆
- paint random 随机喷漆
- fix 修复车辆
- wrap in spawned off/on 关闭 / 开启直接坐在创建车辆里面
- invincible off/on 关闭 / 开启车辆无敌
- speed boost off/on 关闭 / 开启车辆速度(NUM 9 / 3)

【 world / 世界选项 】- moon gravity off/on 关闭 / 开启月球重力
- random cops off/on 关闭 / 开启随机警察
- random trains off/on 关闭 / 开启随机火车
- random boats off/on 关闭 / 开启随机船
- garbage trucks off/on 关闭 / 开启随机垃圾车

【 time / 时间选项 】- hour forward 时间前进
- hour backward 时间后退
- clock paused off/on 关闭 / 开启时间停止
- sync with system off/on 关闭 / 开启同步系统时间

【 weather / 天气选项 】- set wind 风

【 misc / 其他选项 】- next radio track 下一个无线电台
- hide hud 隐藏 HUD


大部分GALGAME的攻略属于玩家在游戏通关后写出的,小部分属于游戏官网出的,而且GALGAME的话一般都是推自己喜欢的人物,所以要尽量避免在选项是选择增加其他人物好感的选项(除非2个人物有关联,比如2人是朋友等),要做到不看攻略玩出整个故事情节需要不断的摸索,最好的方法就是多玩。我个人最长的一个GALGAME玩了足足1个月(工作日大概1到2个小时,周末的话5个小时),那个GALGAME叫77-穿越银河,个人线非常混乱,需要其他能攻略的女主进入才能进行,而且不小心就会走到别人的路线,整个GALGAME攻略大概记录了4张A4纸大小,所以GALGAME得路很长,当然你可以先从选项比较容易的公司入手,比如KEY,柚子社,SAGAPLANETS,HOOKsoft 等社的作品入手,还有就是如果日语实在是差又想看的懂GAL的文字,就用机翻软件把,推荐一个叫VNR的机翻软件,下载地址可以百度查询,非常好用,有一定的基础的话一般能看的懂他的翻译
